Friday, April 28, 2017

My bed is my favorite place.

I love to eat in bed, read in bed, watch tv in bed, and the animals like to hang out with me on it.

Today's breakfast in bed meal is ham, fried egg, roll with Irish butter, slices of truffle pate, and broccoli slaw.

Tuffy was dropped off at the vet. Hoping he will make a quick recovery this time. The last time he went through surgery to remove bladder stones... it was really tough for him. The anesthesia makes him so nauseous and miserable. The poor guy would just cry and he ended up having to go back to the vet several times because of dehydration. He couldn't hold down any food or water. It took about two weeks for him to get back to normal.

I will make a little set up in the living for him to rest and recover. It requires loads of comfy blankets for him to sleep on. I'm pretty sure the cats will join him once he gets back.

Lately I have been treating myself to more skincare and bath products. I'm no longer in my 20's so why not?

The newest one I received is from Beetle+Bones Apothecary. All their skincare and bath is cruelty-free and vegan. I'm a huge admirer and sucker for nice product packaging and theirs did not disappoint.

B E E T L E  +  B O N E S

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Many times I will go visit the same areas to take pictures.
There might be something new or something I may have missed.

My favorite time to go is early in the morning, before the sun begins to rise. Being alone and surround by nature is very tranquil. It feels like the place is undisturbed and I will see little mice, squirrels, deer, fox, and coyotes roaming around. I make sure to slow down my pace when I walk around so I don't disturb the animals here. If they spot me, I remain perfectly still to not frighten them. They watch me for some time and then just go about their business.

The amount of waste I come across really bothers me though. Empty glass and plastic bottles thrown in the tall grass or floating with debris in the lake. Papers, plastic bags, and empty containers left in the woods. People will bring all these things to have a picnic, enjoy a walk, or a have a little gathering and do not clean up after themselves. It's much easier for them to leave their garbage here than have to deal with it. 

B E    O N E    W I T H    N A T U R E

Saturday, April 22, 2017

B E    E X T R A   W I T H   Y O U R   B A T H

There is nothing more relaxing than a warm bath. Especially, when I've had a pretty crappy day at work and need to treat myself. I grab some bath salts, bath bombs, candles, incense... the works!

If I feel sore, weak, or have a headache... a warm bath or shower is the answer. It's the first thing I try before I take any medication.

I came across Chasin' Unicorns on Instagram and saw their skull shaped bath bombs. I'm on Instagram almost all the time. I have no life.

I'm a sucker for skulls. I'm also a sucker for bath bombs.
Put those two together and well... I can't resist.

There was actually a mix-up with my order. This does not come as a surprise. About 80% of time... something happens to my package. The item will be broken/damaged, it'll be sent to the wrong address, an item will be missing, or it has none of the stuff that I ordered.

When everything goes right, getting mail can be one of the greatest joys. This doesn't apply to bills, jury duty summons, and getting any kind of notice from the IRS. (IRS can burn!🔥) Screw that!

There's something very satisfying when you dip the bath bomb into the water. I enjoy watching the bath bomb bubble as it dissolves. It leaves behind a lovely scent with essential oils to moisturize your skin.

It doesn't end there though. Inside Chasin' Unicorn's bath bombs is a healing crystal and I get to add it to my collection.